Crafting a long-term future through the sustainable refurbishment of Carpenters’ Hall
1. Carpenters’ Hall, the Grade II listed home of the Carpenters’ Company
The current building was extensively rebuilt in 1950s following substantial damage in WWII. The 1880s facades were retained with a new structure inserted. The building has an arcade of the pavement of London Wall at ground level and a Banqueting Hall at first floor bridging the Throgmorton Street.
2. No. 23 Great Winchester Street, Grade II listed former Morgan Grenfell Bank
No. 23 was built in 1925 with Portland Stone and an impressive, curved entrance looking east. Deutsche Bank, the current tenants, are set to leave for their new HQ at Moorgate. Through these proposals there is an opportunity to address a number of issues including lack of level access, unsympathetic modern additions and poor daylight/sunlight.
3. 3,5 & 7 Throgmorton Avenue, 1880s buildings in a uniform Italianate design in Portland Stone.
4. 15-17 Throgmorton Avenue, a 1980s building also in Portland Stone.
No. 15-17 Throgmorton Avenue was entirely rebuilt in the late 1980s by Rolf Judd Group. In its current state it has poor office accommodation, no level access and unsuitable sustainability credentials.
Encouraging the public to engage with a refreshed Carpenters’ Hall will be an important part of the proposals.
We are proposing to create level access to Carpenters’ Hall, 23 Great Winchester Street and 3 Throgmorton Avenue to ensure access is fair and accessible for all.
A dedicated space known as the ‘Knowledge Suite’ is proposed on the first floor of the Hall, and is intended to be used for exhibitions and to bring together the Carpenters’ library and elements of its archive to be used by anyone who is interested in researching the Company. A new connection is proposed into the Hall to provide direct access into the space for visitor groups.
The Carpenters’ Company have placed sustainability at the heart of those proposals which includes pursuing an environmentally friendly refurbishment where possible.
The Carpenters’ will be championing the use of light-weight mass timber construction for proposed extensions and infills as an environmentally conscious choice, as well as paying homage to The Carpenters’ heritage.
The proposals are targeting BREEAM Outstanding and including enhanced sustainability features, significantly reducing the building’s operational carbon.
In addition to this, increased urban greening and biodiversity net gains will also be pursued through an improved public realm and tenant experience. New terraces will incorporate a substantial landscaping strategy whilst on the ground floor new planters will be introduced along the London Wall arcade.
As part of a refreshed approach with how the Carpenters’ Hall interacts with its surroundings, we believe enhancing the overall pedestrian experience around the site is an important element of this. To achieve this, better lighting, activation and greening are proposed along the London Wall arcade.
There is also the potential for an art installation to reference The Carpenters’ craftwork, to be commissioned to create a more refreshed and attractive destination.
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